Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Nanny Diaries

This past week marks ONE month of my current live-in nanny gig! To those out of the loop, I am currently living at the home of the director of the INN, his wife, and two ginger babes, age 3 1/2 and 4 months. Now, I love kids, but I would not consider nannying, let alone living in, if the circumstances were different....but I love the kids, love my roommates, and it is coming at a great season in life where I have the freedom, desire, and energy to hang with these boys. Plus I had often said in the past that I wanted to stay home with my kids when I am a mom, and what better way to get a taste of that than a 8 month nanny gig? So I gladly accepted the position, knowing that while it may not be in line was my so-called "career goals", it would offer personal enrichment that is beyond comparison.
I knew going into it I would be challenged and stretched and that I would learn A LOT, and so far all of those things are true. But I'm not sure I anticipated how much fun I could have, and how strong and quickly my attachment would grow towards those two little guys.

So, some major things I am recognizing (none of them new or profound, but certainly weighty)
-Having kids will change your world. I'm only a caretaker and have had just a glimpse at what it feels like to be an actual parent, but thinking about the time, effort, change in conversation and social life, and personal investment surrounding these little people (who will never know just how much you gave for them to have a full and joyful life).....holy canoli. The fact that humans choose to have babies seems kinda counterintuitive to our selfish nature, because as far as I can tell, you are entering into the most selfless thing in the human experience.
-Which brings me to my next will only be able to do this if you have support. Single parents, I have so much more appreciation for you. Personally, I know that the only thing that would make me not crumble to pieces was if my best friend & lover was right there with me, every step of the way. 
-It's a drastically different life, but it's so life-giving to yourself and your family. You are able to see first hand what love, patience, sacrifice, and grace look like, and begin to feel the weight of the fact that our Heavenly Father loves us, his children, unconditionally. We are helpless without him. 
-Kids are silly and pure and wonderful and totally worth it, if you are giving them to the Lord each day.

I know I don't want to enter into parenthood for a looooooong long LONG time. But in the meantime I get to love and be loved by these two cuties. Happy happy joy joy

1 comment:

vanoss said...

LOVE this. And you!
