I kept finding errors as I was editing through my library today (since I recently acquired a crapload of music from Jamie). Now a days, if there's a song that I don't know the name or artist, I look it up by google-ing the lyrics. But of course alot of my music came from my home computer before I went to college, and I guess back in early 00's we (or I) used to just guess who the artist was.
Recent findings:
Classical Gas-- Simon and Garfunkel
Bittersweet Symphony-- Coldplay (though in my/our defense, they did perform that song at Live 8, and its a live version)
I Can See Clearly Now-- Billy Joel
Gave me a chuckle.
lol. I've corrected many many songs on your itunes in the past.
hah! Thats right, you have..
They're like little treasures when you happen to stumble upon them. Endless entertainment.
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