Sunday, November 30, 2008

HEY!.....wait a minute....

Do you ever find songs in your itunes which are clearly mislabeled? 
I kept finding errors as I was editing through my library today (since I recently acquired a crapload of music from Jamie). Now a days, if there's a song that I don't know the name or artist, I look it up by google-ing the lyrics. But of course alot of my music came from my home computer before I went to college, and I guess back in early 00's we (or I) used to just guess who the artist was.
Recent findings: 
Classical Gas-- Simon and Garfunkel
Bittersweet Symphony-- Coldplay (though in my/our defense, they did perform that song at Live 8, and its a live version)
I Can See Clearly Now-- Billy Joel

Gave me a chuckle.


Brian Terreson said...

lol. I've corrected many many songs on your itunes in the past.

EmVo said...

hah! Thats right, you have..

They're like little treasures when you happen to stumble upon them. Endless entertainment.