Well the season is coming to a close, and a good one it has been. This was my first summer working, and I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it. I love walking down to the WAC in the mornings, being able to stare out the window to the Cascades, and working with people my age. Plus I've really enjoyed being able to interact with so many customers from around the area. Already I've noticed how much more comfortable I am talking with people I don't know. All in all, it has been a great experience for me, and am so glad God has put me here.
Part of the reason why I didn't do staff this year (besides working at the WAC) was so I could spend time with my best buddy in the whole world, Kailey Adele Wolf. We didn't get to spend as much time together as I would've hoped, due to our working schedules, but what a blessing it was to have her around. We got a fair of things done from our Ultimate Summer to-do list, including BTP (goodwill outlet to the common folk), Bellevue Square run, Camano, Tubs subs, biking the burke Gilman....as the years go on I get more and more excited about getting to know this girl.
Oh, and Vancouver 08 was ridiculously fun (minus the milk on Harry's mac fiasco and loosing his keys on the street of couver at 2am). Goooood memories.
Though I wasn't able to cabin lead at Lakeside this summer, I still managed to spend some quality time with my dear camp friends. Whats great about it is that the older I get, the more they become not just camp friends, but friends that play an important role in my daily life. And that is a beautiful thing.
I also enjoyed spending more time at UCU, and getting to know some of the guys better. During the school year it never seems like there's enough time to hang out over there, but summer allowed for alot more shinanigans. Which is always a good thing.
One thing I re-discovered this summer was how much I enjoy making new friends. I guess I had forgotten how much fun it is.
Some of my other goals this summer were to do more reading. I started reading the Twilight series, but stopped after book one. I think what bothered me the most was Bella. I didn't like her meek personality, how she saw Edward as a god, her whininess, and how overly dramatic she was about everything. I heard it was like crack for teenage girls. I suppose that is true if you're aching for some romance in your life and like to envision yourself being caressed by a beautiful guy in a grassy meadow....but I wasn't into it.
However, I did read some excellent Christian literature: Velvet Elvis, Sex God, and Searching for God Knows What. Furthermore, I was able to read nearly all of Paul's letters. I realized I've never really written in my bible, so my focus was to just pick it apart and underline whatever I felt was calling out to me. Why hadn't I done this earlier?? I couldn't tell ya. It has been really beneficial to me.
Besides working, hanging out with friends and family, and reading I've managed to conquer my other goal....watch all three seasons of LOST!!
I am hooked. I had only seen a few episodes of season 1 and season 4, so I decided it was time to start finding out what all the hullabaloo was about. As long as I can finish season 4 by the end of this year, I should be all ready to go for the season premiere in January.
It's been a great summer, and I can't wait for this new school year to begin!
1 comment:
I've loooved spending so much time with you this summer.
And I love your blog!
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