Monday, March 28, 2011

I had a great spring break! I went up to Malibu BC to do a work week with different YL college groups from the region. It was fantastic for various reasons, but probably the biggest was I got to spend some great time with my lovely group of INN ladies. I was perpetually laughing those 5 days.
We're really good at fake laughing
I got a sweet taste of the Younglife while there, and I am hooked. Such fun people, and a really integral ministry in bringing people to Christ. I'd love to get involved more. If I weren't doing dep this summer, I'd be an intern or on staff at Malibu in a heartbeat.

Plus, the camp itself is BEAUTIFUL. It's on a peninsula in the middle of nowhere....surrounded by snowy mountain peaks jutting up from the water. I think the best description I heard all week was that it "was so stupid".....that's how incredible our surroundings were. And it's true--I stood looking over the railings and just didn't. get it. It's a powerful thing when our brain never feels like it has a understanding of what it's looking at...and with God's creation, that's the way things should be.

The camp is like a little village; it's connected all by boardwalk and the cabins are the quintessential camp style you see in the movies. While I have doubts that the camp season facilitates such a close community like LBC, I can just imagine the awesome fellowship and friendship it could foster. Hopefully some day down the road, I will return.

1 comment:

Hanni Fanni said...

so beautiful!! You should be a year long property staff intern when you get back from Africa! Perfect. (sorry I am behind on your blog so I have to comment on everything)