Sunday, November 1, 2009

Random November Catch-up

The past week has been perfect fall weather--mild temperatures, blasting wind, hard rain, and sunshine. I love it.

Brian and I saw (500)Days of Summer last night at the crest....I liked it ALOT. Funny, cute, and a refreshing alternative to normal cinematic "love" stories.

I'm really enjoying buying groceries and cooking for myself. I wasn't looking forward to making my own meals when I moved in, but I've really liked being able to buy my own food (spinach! zucchini! odwalla juice! goat cheese pizza!) and having the satisfaction of making my own creations. I'm looking forward to the day I have my own kitchen and a hungry brood to feed.

Hanging out with the girls in my house continues to be more fun. We've got a solid group.

Lots of dance parties this month. Doppleganger, a dance or two at Tim and Ashley's reception, UCU, and a brief appearance at 5027 yesterday. I think i'm good for the next....8 months or so. Well, except for the one on New Years that my sister and I will do in the family room as the fireworks go off on King 5. That's a must.

I'm enjoying my acting class alot (Drama 251). I'm doing my monologue on tuesday-- Inez from Sartre's "No Exit". Should be fun.

Finally, I found out that I got accepted into the Public Health major! I wasn't expecting that they would even look at my application, because usually they only review those with a high GPA after 100 credits (I have 92) first. I knew I would get in at some point, but was feeling the pressure to 4.0 my 2 public health related classes this quarter--which would be asking alot of myself, considering I'm taking 5 classes total. Now, that pressure has been lifted. I've always strived to do well for my own satisfaction, but its nice knowing there's no consequence riding on my GPA anymore. Anyways, totally unexpected and an answer to prayer.

Welp, back to studying about Syphilis and Dengue Fever!


Ali said...

Duuuude! I want to read/hear your monologue! It's always awesome to watch other people do theirs. <3

molls said...

Way to go on getting into your major! I'm so excited for you! I mean, really though - you're fabulous - how could they NOT accept you? :D